MOE Awards & Scholarships

Edusave Merit Bursary

The MOE Edusave Merit Bursary (EMB) is a financial award given to academically strong students from lower- to middle-income families

Edusave Scholarship

MOE Edusave Scholarships are awarded by Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE) to students who top 10% of students in each school. Award amount: $500

Edusave Good Progress Award

The Edusave Good Progress Award (GPA) is given to students who have made significant academic improvements compared to past result.

Edusave Academic Achievement

A recognition of exemplary academic results

Eagles AWARD

The Edusave Award for Achievement, Good Leadership, and Service (EAGLES) is a recognition by Singapore's Ministry of Education (MOE) for students who exhibit exemplary conduct and excel in areas beyond academics. Award amount: $300

Edusave Scholarship

MOE Edusave Scholarships are awarded by Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE) to students who top 10% of students in each school. Award amount: $500

School Awards & Achievements

Academic Excellence Award

For achieving 4 H2 Distinction in 2023 A level

Scholastic Merit Award

For achieving 8 Distinction in 2021 O lvel

Honor Roll

Top 20 student in cohort for JC2 Common test (Term test)

Certificate of participations

International Biomedical Quiz

Investment Education Skills Workshop